Christian Reed

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Location: Athens, Ga

Facebook: Christian Reed

PDGA: 261171

About Me: 
Originally from the Chicago area and now living in Athens, Ga with my wife. When I am not playing disc golf I am spending time with family and at church. Started playing Disc Golf in 2020 as a way to help lose weight and quickly fell in love with the game and the community. Been a subscriber to DGN each year since 2021. My favorite thing about Disc Golf is the sense of community but also being out in nature and enjoying the little things in life. My goals for this year are to be 800 rated or above and win or finish to 3 in a tournament. 

Playing Since: 2020

Division: Amateur

Throw Style: Righty Backhand and Forehand

Home Course: Herman C Michael Park

Favorite Course: Alexander Park

Favorite Event: Sammy Sling

In The Bag:
Orbital (x2), Wave, Vanish, Jet, Trail, Terra, Shift, IDOG, Rhythm, Crave, Paradox, Echo, Hex, Envy (x2), Parachute, Stabilizer, Range, Pilot (x2)