Eric Wilhelm

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Location: Atlanta, GA

PDGA: 135694

About Me: A childhood of throwing frisbees lead to teaching kids English (and how to throw frisbees) which lead to a later adulthood throwing frisbee trick shots in nature. 
I've also written about professionals who throw frisbee trick shots in nature for Atlanta Magazine and

Playing Since: 2020

Division: Professional, Amateur, Master

Throw Style: Righty Backhand and Forehand

Home Course: North Landing

Favorite Course: Lula

Favorite Event: Throwmaggedon

In The Bag:
Prodigy air spectrum D1s
Innova Teebirds, Thunderbirds, Chargers, Racers, Wraiths, Destroyers
MVP Motion, Reactor, Detour, Insanity
Yeet Street Petra
Discraft Zones
Kastaplast Bergs
EV-7 Phi and Telos